Mergers & Acquisitions /

Succession Problems


Mountain Finance identifies acquisition targets for finance and strategic investors. We also support company owners to resolve succession problems and to find growth capital. Mountain Finance consult our clients until the closing of the purchase / sale transaction.



Investment Solutions


Investment Structuring

Mountain Finance is specialized in tailor-made private placements and in un-correlated alternative assets for qualified investors.


Standard asset classes (mostly liquid)

Mountain Finance offers tailor-made investment vehicles. The investor chooses the underlying(s) and the degree of upside-potential and downside-risk. Our approach to investing therefore reduces overall portfolio risk (downside-risk) and increases return on investments (upside-potential).

As independent advisor, Mountain Finance asks for competitive offers from various issuers. The investor then chooses the best suitable investment among the offers and subscribes the investment as Private Placement at his depot bank.

Our strength for common asset classes is “Correlation Investing”:

* Significant reduction of correlation between the chosen investment (classes) and financial markets;

* Analysis of correlations in order to optimise payouts without increasing risks. The overall exposure of an asset class can be reduced and the free funds be invested in other asset classes with low or no correlation to financial markets.


Alternative / (less) liquid asset classes

Mountain Finance structures alternative asset classes as certificate or as fund. We concentrate on de-correlated assets, which independently from the development on finance markets (i.e. low price correlation to finance markets), offer sustainable high returns.

These asset classes are less liquid, i.e. these investment solutions have a fixed duration (without prior redemptions) or redemptions are only possible monthly or quarterly. We recommend them for the diversification of larger portfolios. These investments are only appropriate for long-term investors. As a compensation, alternative assets offer higher returns (more than 10% p.a.).



Investment Distribution

Mountain Finance is a registered investment advisor (according to Swiss law) and distributes structured products (as private placements), certificate and funds to its professional and institutional investors. 


Structured Products

* more than 80 currently invested private placements, mostly on commodities and shares (and its indices)


Certificates and Funds

* Arbitrage & Trading in in-efficent markets -> target yield 20-30% p.a.

* Life Settlements -> target yield 10-15% p.a.

* Litigation finance -> target yield 10-15% p.a.

* Diversity -> target yield 8-10% p.a.



Mountain Finance is independent (from banks) in the choice and the distribution of investments.